
Friday, February 28, 2014

CS50x: Harvard's Introduction to Computer Science

Aspiring programmers, tech guys and tech gals, have you heard of Harvard College's CS50x course? If not, then let me share it to you. CS50x is an Introduction to Computer Science course offered by Harvard Extension School for FREE!

Thanks to the recent development of distance learning. Everything seems to be in place with Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). Platforms like of edX have been available to host University-courses online in a wide range of disciplines. People around the world can now access learning and can participate just by being online. I can see MOOC has a lot of potential especially for my countrymen here in the Philippines. But I'll say more about that in a separate post.

Back to CS50x, I'm enrolled! I was actually browsing the web and looking for some tech stuff when I saw it and caught my attention. Maybe you'll ask why I enrolled? ('Coz I'm a programmer for quite sometime now). Well, I took CS50 mainly because I want to fill in some gaps in my knowledge. And being enrolled for more than a month now is just awesome! I'm learning and enjoying a lot! Here's more about the course. According to Harvard:
An entry-level course taught by David J. Malan, CS50x teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. Topics include abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development. Languages include C, PHP, and JavaScript plus SQL, CSS, and HTML.

Moreover, CS50x is a self-paced online course. That means you can start anytime and finish everything within a year. Again, you have a year to submit the problem sets and projects (Demanding, but definitely doable as per CS50). And if you're serious and finish it with a passing grade, you'll get a certificate! The certificate will be issued by edX.

Interested? Check out CS50x: Introduction to Computer Science. I actually wrote this in my blog because I can't find any Filipinos (or there might be someone, sometwo, somethree out there too but we're very limited) actively taking this course. So its time to spread the word!

The semester (if that's what you want to call it) has just started - last January 2014. It will end on December 2014 so you still have plenty of time to catch up. Before you start, you can try the edX Demo first so you can familiarize yourself on how MOOC works. So there, I hope to see every aspiring dev gurus in the class!


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