
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Did you know?

I enrolled this evening in our company's e-Learning and selected the module Understanding Processes

If you're asking why, first of all, it became a requirement in our team. Second, I decided to take the module to overcome my "unawareness" feeling. Yeah, "unawareness" it is. Actually, I always have the feeling that there is something I do not know or need to know when it comes to the business side of software development, or of anything, in general. So I'm pretty sure that the learning module will help me (maybe not a lot, but it will help). After all, I am trying to be more of a process-oriented person than a goal-oriented one in doing my tasks. Why? Because for me, if you make your process right, your goal, whatever it is, will follow right.

Posting source code in blogspot

Special thanks to Vivian's Tech Blog! I only did some changes to make it look the way I want... :) :) :)

WAS 7, JSF RI and Richfaces Compatibility

Last week, I learned how to avoid the error in GlassFishConfigureListener occuring when deploying a JSF + Richfacess-driven application in WebSphere. Here is the example stack trace:

E notifyServletContextCreated SRVE0283E: Exception caught while initializing context: {0}
                                 java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com/sun/faces/config/GlassFishConfigureListener.scanWebXml(Z)V
	at com.sun.faces.config.GlassFishConfigureListener.contextInitialized(

I found out that there's a bug in Richfaces or higher with JSF 1.2_07 or lower when deploying to WAS 7. I reverted my Richfaces to 3.3.1.GA instead of 3.3.3.Final, upgraded my web app's JSF reference implementation to JSF-1.2_12 and it worked.

Bug Village by Glu

Today, I installed BUG VILLAGE in my Android. It is a very cute and addictive game wherein you are in a virtual village building and nurturing ants and bees. Download it now! :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Trying out Mail2Blogger

This is just a test. :)

What If...

Today, I have come to think what if I followed my grandmother's instruction to take Nursing as my college course. What would I be today?